Main Page
Verzia z 12:54, 18. marec 2019, ktorú vytvoril Admin (diskusia | príspevky) (Vytvorená stránka „* Suggest a new stand * Run my own bikesharing“)
Admin phone (helpdesk): +421 918 600 905 / Ľubomír
(only in case of emergency, when impossible to open the lock, or danger to bicycles, etc.). In less important cases please write on the Facebook group White bikes
- How does it work?
- How do I join?
- What do I pay?
- What is the difference between a city bikesharing and a community bikesharing?
- Something does not work
- How do I plan the route?
- Is it allowed to lend the bicycle to somebody else?
I want to help
Advanced user
Hovoria o nás